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Proceedings (deadline: April 30, 2007)

All contributions presented at FOA9, either as oral papers or as posters, are eligible for publication on the FOA9 special issue of Adsorption, Journal of the International Adsorption Society.

If you wish to submit a manuscript, you will have to link to the home page of the journal, www.editorialmanager.com/adso/, and check the instructions for authors there. Manuscripts have to be prepared following those instructions and have to be submitted electronically as explained there. There is no restriction about the maximum number of pages. Manuscripts will be subject to the usual peer-review process of the journal, and the decision about publication will comply with the usual quality standards of Adsorption.

In the accompanying letter, you will have to specify that: "This manuscript is submitted for publication on the FOA9 special issue of Adsorption, in connection with the paper #... presented at FOA9". The number that you have to indicate is the number associated to your abstract and used in all communications between you and the FOA9 Secretariat. The title of the manuscript and the author list might be different from the one of the FOA9 abstract, but the connection between the manuscript and the abstract must be clear.

Deadline for submission of the manuscripts is April 30th, 2007. Please, note that it will not be possible to consider for the FOA9 special issue of adsorption manuscripts that are received later than the deadline.

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