Social events

Naxos Beach Resort

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Scope of the event

The Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA) conferences, which are organized by the International Adsorption Society (IAS), have been since FOA1 in 1983 a unique meeting opportunity for those interested in adsorption phenomena and adsorption-based technologies. All those involved in the preparation of FOA9, to be held on May 20-25, 2007 for the first time in Italy, aim at keeping up with the high standards of the series in both content and organization.


Adsorption  phenomena are operative in most natural physical, biological, and chemical systems, and are exploited today in thousands of applications, from catalysis, to bulk separations, to purification of waste streams. Research is active in: developing new adsorbent materials, from meso-porous adsorbents to chiral stationary phases; applying molecular modeling to predict adsorption properties;  developing new processes for both gas and liquid separations;  exploring new fields of applications, e.g. for energy systems, environmental applications, life sciences, and others.


Like all previous editions from the first one in 1983, FOA9 is intended to provide a unique opportunity for international exchange between scientists and engineers of all disciplines, academia and industry, and between novice and expert. The format and logistics of the conference are especially designed to favor the establishment of personal and professional relationships among participants. Those who have an interest in adsorption will find FOA9 well worth attending.

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